La saga heavy Metal

2 Films
affiche du film Métal hurlant
1981 - CANADA - Aventure, Fantastique, Film à sketches, Surnaturel, Femmes
Réalisation :  Gerald Potterton
Acteurs :  Rodger Bumpass, Jackie Burroughs, Joe Flaherty

avis du public :


Série de petites histoires dont la vedette est le Loch-Nar, une sphère lumineuse aux pouvoirs maléfiques.
affiche du film Heavy Metal 2000
2000 - ALLEMAGNE - Aventure, Science-Fiction, Violent, Surnaturel, Femmes
Réalisation :  Michael Coldewey, Michel Lemire
Acteurs :  Michael Ironside, Julie Strain, Billy Idol

avis du public :


Upon discovery of a shard of what could be the Loc-Nar, a miner named Tyler becomes possessed with an insatiable hunger for power and a thirst for immortality. On his way to the planet of youth, Tyler wipes out most of a space colony and kidnaps a beautiful young woman. His only mistake is that he doesn't kill her sister, Julie, who then sets out on a mission of rescue and revenge.
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